According to the Mayo Clinic More than 120,000 people are waiting for an organ transplant in the United States. Nearly 2,000 of those are children. Every 10 minutes another name is added to the national waiting list. An average of 18 people die each day in the United States waiting for transplants that can't take place because of the shortage of donated organs.

Months of testing both physical and psychological. Yes, I had to speak with a hospital psychologist to determine why or if I was crazy for doing this. Because "healthy black woman just don't donate their organs." He obviously didn't know me.
The clearest validation for me was: My son Theo took me to the party. Theo is named after my father Theodore. When I was 9 Theodore (Ted) died of kidney failure as a result of long-term diabetes. Theo and Mariama share the same birthday. That is one of many "reveals" during this process.
January 11, 2015. Here we are 5 years later. All continues to be well. I see Mariama twice a year when she comes back to the states for her medical visits. Last I saw her she was happier and healthier than ever. I won't see her again until October 2016. Her visits are now once a year because of the successful donation.
I love you Mariama. I thank you everyday of my life because your love is one of my greatest gifts.

Today, I have a stronger connection to my source than ever before. I live life everyday as if it were my last and on my terms. My priorities align themselves quickly and clearly. I see the beauty in everyone and everything. My children often stop in amazement at how I managed to extent another human beings life. I am amazed that more people don't.